Sunday, March 6, 2011


Our lives have been two ever winding paths
sometimes going opposite directions
but always colliding at the strangest times
we always part on decent terms
as if by some odd chance we know
We'll always meet again
Seems like it's been that way forever
now suddenly I can't live without you
something deep inside me is reaching out
and it's like there never was a doubt
that we belong together
that our hands and our feet move as one
that our hearts and our souls beat together
I can't say "I love you" even though it feels like
those words are pulsing through my every vein
it feels like they're in every breath I breathe
the words "I miss you" ring true
and I can't miss anyone but you
However long we've got to be apart
I'll keep you in my heart
I'll keep fighting til we meet again
I refuse to die anywhere but in your arms

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